Misro as a variant of Western Javanese cakes and recipes : SoalSekolahmu

Four typical Western Javanese cakes and their simple recipes

Speaking of traditional Sundanese food, it turns out that there are many Western Javanese cake recipes that can be tried. West Java is famous for its different variations of dishes that tend to have a spicy taste. However, that doesn’t mean there aren’t special dishes that taste sweet, you know!

In fact, West Java has a myriad of traditional dishes that are sweet in taste and delicious. The variety of these dishes has become a favorite of many families. Unique fact, not only does the taste spoil your tongue, but the ingredients for cooking it are also very simple. You can get the ingredients needed to cook easily and cheaply anywhere.

The manufacturing process is also not difficult. It is therefore very suitable for beginners. There are many types and recipes of traditional dishes in West Java. You can try the typical West Javanese cake recipe from coconut flour and rice, even using peuyeum or cassava tape.

Among the dozens of types of sweet foods of West Java, there are four types of traditional cakes that are the most famous and most in demand by many people. It does not take many whimsical ingredients to complete the dish, the taste is already very tempting for the language. The following is the full review that you can understand.

Colenak, Tanah Sunda’s legendary sweet snack

One of the typical dishes of the West Java region preferred by many people is Colenak. Generally, Colenak himself represents the word “dicocol enak”. Its meaning is linked to the concept of serving Colenak cakes whose way of serving and tasting them is indeed to be whipped or dyed in cassandra.

The typical recipe of West Javanese cake itself is very simple. The different materials needed to make Colenak are simple. You only need cassava tape or also called peuyeum up to 200 grams, then 100 grams of brown sugar, 100 grams of coconut and 100 ml of coconut milk as the main ingredients.

As an additional component, you also need about 50 grams of granulated sugar and 20 grams of butter. Don’t forget to also add half a teaspoon of vanilla to make the aroma of the dough even more tempting. If the ingredients are ready, you can already start making them. The method is easy and quite simple.

You just have to make the brown sugar sauce. To do this, mix brown sugar slices with granulated sugar on a saucepan over medium heat. Stir until the brown sugar melts and mix with granulated sugar. After that, mix it with coconut milk and grated coconut. Cook until the water shrinks.

The last step in this typical West Javanese cake recipe is to bake the cassava ribbon. It is enough to apply enough butter evenly over the entire surface of the tape. If so, you just need to cook the ribbon until it is cooked and browned. Serve it with the sugar sauce just now, the Colenak dish is ready to be enjoyed.

Enjoy sweet and legitimate Awug or Dongkal cakes

In addition to the Simple Colenak cake but able to pamper the tongue, there are other traditional cakes that are no less preferred. One of the typical recipes of West Javanese cakes made from coconut flour and rice is Dongkal cake or also known as awug cake. This dish is also very simple.

Visually, this type of traditional dish is almost similar to the putu cake service. However, the materials used are very different. Yes, this cake uses rice flour as well as coconut, and again steamed brown sugar simultaneously. The shape of the cake is quite unique, which is like a mini tumpeng.

How to do it is no less easy than Colenak just now. You just need to prepare ingredients such as rice flour, grated coconut, then grated brown sugar, a few pandan leaves, as well as salt from a few jumputs as per your need. For the first step, be sure to steam the rice flour mixed with a pinch of salt.

After that, you can start to put the steamed flour in the mold. First fill a quarter of the mold, then crush it with a taste-grated brown sugar until it covers the surface. Then crush it again with flour dough. Repeat on three layers. After the step, steam it with everything.

You can serve this typical West Javanese cake recipe from coconut flour and rice using grated coconut. Before serving, make sure you have first steamed the grated coconut. It only takes a few moments for the texture of the coconut to always be there, then the Awug cake is ready to be eaten while it’s hot with the family.

Surabi Unik Topping Oncom Khas de l’ouest de Java

Not only are sweet snacks the hallmark of Western Javanese dishes. Savory dishes have also become a favorite food of all circles. Surely, you will not be a stranger with this dish. Yes, serabi. Serabi is not only available in the West Java region.

Serabi is a type of light dish that is versatile. However, what is unique and very distinctive of the Sundanese region is the use of toppings. While serabi is usually served with toppings of brown sugar or coconut milk sweet sauce, it is different from serabi native to the West Java region where it is actually salty.

This typical West Java cake and recipe is different from the typical serabi recipe in general, especially in the toppings. The filling that is commonly used in this serabi is the oncom filling. Obviously, this snack tends to taste salty and slightly spicy. Perfect for you fans of salty food.

Making this cake is also quite easy. Again, the material used is very simple, that is, using rice flour. Not only that, there are also several other additional ingredients such as wheat flour, then there is extra coconut milk, then grated coconut, baking powder and baking soda for the dough.

Mix all the ingredients and start cooking on a non-stick container until small holes appear on the surface. If a hole has appeared, you can start sprinkling the oncom toppings on the serabi, and then cover the serabi until it is cooked. Serve it while it’s still hot to make it more delicious in the mouth.

Misro as a variant of Western Javanese cakes and recipes

Another typical West Java food that is very well known and preferred by almost everyone is Misro. The Misro dish itself means “Amis di Jero” which in Sundanese means “soft inside”. This is the concept of a legendary cassava dish.

In general, this misro is a fried food similar to comro. The difference is that if the comro contains oncom which has a salty and spicy taste, the misro actually has a sweet taste because cassava is stuffed with brown sugar. Of course, this dish is no less delicious than the salty version just now.

How to do it is also very easy. You only need 500 grams of cassava, and then grated until smooth. Also provide half a grain of finely grated coconut, as well as brown sugar which is also finely sliced. Combine all the ingredients together except brown sugar, adding salt to taste to taste.

Fill the brown sugar paste just now, shape it into oblong balls. After that, fry until it is cooked and the outside turns golden yellow, or if desired, it can be slightly brown. Then remove and drain.

Misro is ready to be served while it is still hot and the sugar melts perfectly. Well, now you can choose the traditional food you like and you want to prepare it for the people closest to you. Be sure to try this typical West Javanese cake recipe at home and try the taste.

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